
Hello! And welcome to my CS blog!

My name is, well, let's go with Undercover!

I'm an electrical engineer, sort of... I got my degree in EE almost 3 years ago, but I've hardly been able to make much use of it! Since graduation, I've spent 2 years as a engineer for a USB test lab, more understanding and running tests than development, and 8 months at a missiles development company, and about a month at SoftSource Consulting LLC. During college, I took almost 4 years of internships, most of which focused on computer science and writing scripts in Python, which are not at all what I expected going into my EE career from day 1 of college.

See the source image

( I LOVE this movie by the way )

I'm now head deep in software engineering without a strong software/cs background. I've done lots of learning on my own, but frequently find myself completely unaware of concepts that come up almost daily at work, concepts that may or may not have been taught in an undergrad degree (ex. SQL, PHP, WebAPIs, Object Oriented Programming, C#, ASP.NET, and more). Luckily, my current boss is my brother and he's tutoring me through this transition as I help him with QA in his company. He teaches me, I produce some work, rinse and repeat. All that being said, such a heavy transition and steep learning curve has been a blow on my own self-confidence and felt like a life/fun draining vampire (big surprise since it's a tough situation to be in) until only recently that I've been able to get a grasp on a few concepts and start developing code myself (with only some hand-holding).

In addition to some tutoring, I've made use of lots of the infinite resources out there to learn what I now know. Sometimes, concepts took many replays, rereads, and even multiple searches to hear a definition or concept explained differently from someone else. All those perspectives cumulatively sort of fill in missing pieces in an overall jigsaw until I have the complete picture.

I'm starting this blog for anyone like me, who is learning and maybe struggling to understand a computer science concept and is looking for another perspective. Each post I do will be on different topics and concepts that I learn on my own personal journey of discovery. This means that this site will not be comprehensive in any way, unless it occurs naturally after an accumulation of individual posts, most likely to be in no particular order. I'll create definitions and explain concepts in my own words to help give that extra perspective to anyone who is looking for it.

If I ever make mistakes, which I'll be very careful not to do, but hey, no one's perfect, I'm hopeful my/our audience will be patient, as we are all learning here, and will respectively leave me a comment on the page or let me know privately via email.

I'm starting this blog on Blogger as a quick, temporary solution. One of my goals is to learn how to build and host a website using ASP.NET, PHP, or something like that (I'm not a huge fan of most pay-for-website building site because of limitations that naturally emerge from such high-level tools. Plus, some of the tools can be frustratingly difficult to master. Check out my other blog, - guess my name is out there now haha). I think it'd be fun to one day build a blog from the ground up, so I'm going to rebuild this site as a future project, which I'll post about step by step for anyone that's interested.

That all being said, I hope you'll all get as much out of reading this blog as I will writing it! Thanks for joining me on my CS journey and I'm excited to be apart of yours!


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